The rehabilitation center has a care contract in accordance with § 111 SGB V (German Social Code) and is covered by pension insurance providers as well as statutory health insurance funds. The private hospital is licensed under Section 30 of the Trade Regulation Act. As part of quality assurance, the rehabilitation center participates in the DRV peer review process and is also certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and QMS-Reha®.
Parksanatorium Bad Bocklet GmbH & Co.KG
Frankenstrasse 36
97708 Bad Bocklet
Tel. 09708 – 79 0
The Bad Bocklet Rehabilitation and Prevention Center,
consists of the rehabilitation clinics for
- Internal Medicine/Oncology
- Urology/Andrology
- Orthopedics
- Psychosomatics
- Geriatrics
- Prevention Center
as well as the directly connected Parkhotel.
In each of the clinics, follow-up treatment (AHB) and rehabilitation measures (statutory or private) are treated. The prevention center offers preventive programs with health insurance subsidies and the Parkhotel offers accommodation for spa guests and patients’ relatives.
A special feature of the hospital are the interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic areas, which enable us to offer a wide range of services.
The house offers different premises for patients and health vacationers, their accompanying persons and children. With advanced knowledge based on proven methods, with modern equipment and with the conviction that health encompasses the whole person, we understand our work. Close networking and good cooperation with the surrounding acute hospitals complement our broad medical spectrum.